Anyone heard of amphimorpho?

Deleted User October 18th

Hi everyone!
I’m new here. I wanted to learn a bit more about a cryptid I learned about not too long ago. I came here looking to see if anyone posted something about them but I didn’t find anything.

I believe they get called “amphimorpho” around other corners of the internet.
Apparently they’re some sort of noodly gooey shapeshifting creature alien thing of some sort? I haven’t fully grasped it yet but I find them really neat and I’m looking to start hunting for them considering a lot of sightings were reported near me.

Have y’all seen anything about them? If yes, do you know anything worth sharing?
I’m interested to know what you all think!

Moderator October 18th

Oh these are interesting! I hadn’t heard of them before. I wish you the best of luck on your first hunt and if you end up finding anything, let us know!

The Silly October 18th

i lik em

Member October 18th

It kinda looks more like a species some furry made for fun than something that could be plausibly real. Like, come on. Shapeshifting? How is that even physically possible?

I don’t find them plausible at all.

Deleted User October 18th

That’s fair. They are a bit far-fetched to me too.
But at the same time, aren’t most cryptids, in a way?
It feels worth looking into in my eyes at least.

I’ll go out on a couple hikes and let y’all know if I find anything.

Moderator October 18th

Stay safe out there! :)

Deleted User October 27th

I haven’t been able to find anything yet. I’ll keep looking but my hopes aren’t too high right now…

On the bright side, I guess getting to go out in the woods has been a really nice change of pace!

Moderator October 27th

Welcome to the club! Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I’m going out to look for cryptids or because I just want to spend some time outside. It’s nice out there.

Deleted User November 2nd

I found something big!
I was on one of my hikes and I saw someone there. Nothing too unusual.
Except… there was something off about them!!
I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I am pretty sure that they are an amphimorpho *in disguise*!
I think you really have to see it to understand.

Member November 2nd

I don’t think accusing anyone who “looks off” of being weird shapeshifting creatures is something you should be doing. Maybe it’s just me but that sounds pretty rude.

Moderator November 2nd

I’ll have to agree with Josh here. Some people are just weird looking and you shouldn’t judge them for it.

Deleted User November 2nd

I’m telling you though, that wasn’t just some normal “odd person” stuff.

Moderator November 2nd

I understand getting excited about potentially finding cryptids but you have to remember to also stay grounded at the same time and, I don’t know, not go after random people? I hope we eventually actually learn more about those amphimorpho of yours because I find them really fascinating.

Deleted User November 5th

I ended up going to a diner yesterday. I saw the same person I met on my hike that I talked about the other day there eating some pancakes with someone I assume is one of their friends. I spent some time looking at them while eating and there's definitely something off about them. It’s not just the way they look but it’s also the way they act. I still don’t know how to explain it but there was something really wild about them.

After they were done eating (and they ate A LOT, way too much food for someone of their size imo), I kept watching as they left, and I saw them head straight towards the woods.
The weirdest part about it: There is no trail anywhere near where they were headed.
I didn’t follow them but part of me kind of wishes I did.
This is the best lead I have so I’ll explore that general area of the woods a bit tomorrow.

The Silly November 5th

r u stalkin em now??

Member November 5th

I’m not sure that I’d call “going somewhere someone else has gone before” stalking.
That being said, I’m imagining you eating your food and intently staring at other customers in a diner. As funny as I find that imagery, I’m not sure I’d recommend you do that again for your own wellbeing.

It feels like you’re making a lot out of nothing but I guess that it is commonplace to grasp at straws on this forum.
At least you were at a diner so you probably actually got some straws LOL

Moderator November 5th

Haha XD

Deleted User November 7th

I need a bit to finish putting something together but you’ll see soon hehehe

The Silly November 7th

r u srs???

Member November 9th

Are you going to share what you found already?

Deleted User November 10th

Sorry for the wait! It took me a while to get everything right.
I actually found one!
I spent a while observing the cryptid for a bit and managed to put this all together.

Reference sheet in the style of field notes of Finch, a green, cream and orange amphimorpho, a shapeshifting noodle shaped alien. In the top right is a picture of Finch's human form held up by a paper clip.

Art by TuxedoDragon

I hope this all makes sense! I’m planning on going back out there to find out more soon.

Member November 10th

Why is there just a picture of a random dude there?

The Silly November 10th

oooh big buny

Moderator November 10th

Seconded on Josh’s question but I also have some of my own. How’d you get the name “Finch”? What do you think they eat? Besides pancakes, I mean. It’s interesting how they’re both bipedal and quadrupedal. What do you think the “goo” is for? Surely it’s there for something right?

Deleted User November 10th

Finch is a name I overheard at that diner when I was there. I am not 100% sure since I never actually saw them shapeshift, but the “random dude”, as you say it, is what I suspect is the cryptid’s human form! They do have some traits that could point in that direction.
For example, they have pink eyes, their teeth are a bit whack and one of their hands kinda looks like a paw! Again, it’s a lot more obvious in person.

I’m fully assuming that this person is the cryptid that I’ve been observing. I was following them but eventually lost track of them, and it was only some time after losing them that I spotted the amphimorpho. There’s just too many coincidences for it to not be the case!

For your other questions, Sour, I don’t know for the goo! I haven’t seen them use it for anything just yet. Maybe to deter predators?

I didn’t really stick around long enough to figure out their diet either. It feels safe to assume they have a similar one to humans though.

I also have a theory that their friend at the diner the other day may also be one of them? They didn’t seem as “wild” so I’m not as confident on that one. Chances are they’re also hanging out together in the woods though so if I find the cryptid I’ve been chasing again, there’s a chance I’ll just find that other one as well with it!

Member November 10th

Colored contact lenses
Crooked teeth or fake teeth

There’s explanations for all of that person’s weirdness. Now you’re even going after someone else just because they’re friends with someone who you suspect (without proof) of being a cryptid.

Absolutely ridiculous!

Moderator November 10th

I have to agree with Josh here. His explanations are all pretty plausible and, considering some other circles I frequent, I definitely know some people who’d go in the woods while wearing all that.

Deleted User November 10th

You have to believe me on this! All the evidence points to them.
And none of that explains why I only found the cryptid after losing track of that person.
The two of them HAVE to be the same entity. There is no other possible explanation!

The Silly November 10th

idk mayb ur not vry good @ trackin

Deleted User November 10th

Maybe! I’m still new to this but I’ve also never been more sure of anything in my life. It’s like a gut feeling that what I believe to be true actually is true.

I’m going to bed for now and I plan on going out there again in a couple days.

The Silly November 10th

gnight amphiii

Deleted User November 14th

I just got back home from another hunt and… I may have gotten a bit too close.
I saw another amphimorpho! I was about to take a picture of it but then the amphimorpho I’ve been trailing, “Finch”, noticed me while I was lining up the shot and bit me before I could get anything. I ran away as fast as I could after that.

Anyways I don’t know what to do about that bite. Do cryptids have rabies?? Should I go to the hospital? Would they even take me seriously?
It hurt a lot at the start but I’m barely noticing it now. I don’t even think it’s bleeding anymore.

Moderator November 14th

I would recommend you seek medical attention A S A P! You don’t want to mess with something unknown like that! Doesn’t matter if they believe your story, they’ll see the bite mark and react accordingly.

The Silly November 19th

r u ok??

Member November 19th

Yeah it’s been a bit. Did that “bite” kill you out or something?

Deleted User November 27th

I’m still alive.
Sorry for worrying you all
I never actually managed to see a doctor and, in hindsight, that may have been a good thing.

I don’t even know how to explain what happened since my last post and no matter what I say, it feels like nobody here would believe me. I still don’t really believe any of it myself, but I have to deal with it possibly for the rest of my life. At the very least, I appear to be stable.

I decided to stop cryptid hunting after what happened and I’ll be moving on from this forum after I post this message. Maybe I’ll come back some day, but judging from my current state, I doubt it. I guess I just wanted you all to get some closure on all this.

So, here’s that final update about the cryptid:
Amphimorpho are very real and very dangerous. If you come across one, do not get in its way, do not upset it. Trust me. This could save your life.

I’ve also made an update to the notes I shared last time. I never could get the image of the teeth closing in on me out of my mind…

The same reference sheet as above, with a shot of the mouth and teeth with a note saying 'CAUTION! Bite may be infectious!!'

Art by TuxedoDragon

Good luck in all your future hunting everyone, and goodbye.

The Silly November 27th

big teef!! byeee amphii

Member November 27th

What do you mean it may have been a good thing not to get medical attention?
Or that the bite may be infectious? Infectious with what?
Dude, what happened to you?

This just has to be a prank at this point… Right?

Moderator November 27th

Sad to see you go but I understand you want to get away from the hobby after suffering from an injury while doing it. Whatever is ailing you, I wish you a swift recovery. Thank you for sharing your findings with us. Take care of yourself moving forward. If what you say is true, it sounds like you’ll need a lot of patience towards yourself. Regardless of how real this all was, I’ve enjoyed reading them <3


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